Luxury bags
Icon bags and celebrities wearing them.
Luxury elegance and modern style. It is all about Nancy Gonzalez's handbags. Taking the rich colors and nature of her native country Colombia, she has created timeless values in handbag fashion market. She started selling her leather handbags (Nancy Gonzalez's clutches, hobos and satchels) in 1998 in one of the high-end shops, Bergdorf-Goodman. Her creations are what could be called Manhattan style. The unique leathers, palette of colors are the trademarks of her handbag collections. Her way to success was not easy, however now this brand is among the luxury handbag brands.
In 2007 Nancy Gonzalez has received the Brand of the Year award by Accessories council at the ACE awards. This brand's products are sold in the most luxury retails stores around the world and most of these expensive retailers have also a very convenient e-store that will make the shopping more fast and efficient.
This designer continues her trademark luxury exotic leather handbag business and tote bags, hobo bags, as well as messenger bags have the traditional features of this brand's design handbag.
Carrie Underwood are seen carrying a Croc purse from this designer. Mandy Moore also owns a few purses from this brand. Her designed Matte Crocodile Handbags are true understated beauties. Bright blue replica crocodile Tote or Lush Pink Crocodile Clutch is simply unforgettable.
Replica Nancy Gonzalez Crocodile Tote and Croc purses are manufactured in China. Be ware of the quality of fake Nancy Gonzalez handbags. It is not worth risking a buying a replica designer bag, because the original leather totes and leather hobo bags created by this designer are true gems.
Extraordinary bright and gorgeous crocodile tote in orange shade is available at Neiman Marcus for $3,550.00. The materials is fuscus crocodile. Closure is magnetic. There is additional charm leather leaf and feather attached. Inside you will find suede lining. There are also zipped compartment and a smaller compartment for the phone. Its size is 14.2" H x 15.9" W x 4.5" D.
There is this very raw and very pure design by her that distinct the bag from the others. And mostly this effect is achieved by choosing the exotic leather for the bag.
If you see a Nancy Gonzalez's crocodile handbags on sale just take them. It is a great investment in style and quality. Although the brand does not have a sale section itself, there are second hand markets, sample sales and auctions to try.
From latest bags - the leaf Detail Crocodile and Canvas Tote is an interesting spin in these luxury handbag collections.
Luxury handbags