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Icon bags and Fendi

This Italian brand has had a stunning success with the energetic Spy bag. Seeing the crowd screaming and fashionistas going crazy all over the world the brand went for it and made numerous versions of the Spy - different colors, materials and renditions - from absolutely beautiful to not so successful ones. The brand's feature for Spy is the unique rounded shape with woven leather handles and fold-over flap closure. This bag was a must have bag for city girls.

The hype has been settling after some years, however there still is a high demand for this bag. The most recent shines from this wonderful Italian brand are the Boston bag or any of the Fendi Zucca purses. Also the Chameleon line is quite impressive - the classic heavy look spacious bags have their appeal with the golden hardware and perfect choice of leathers in various shades - burgundy, yellow, black. There is truly something to find for almost anyone - for those who are looking for cute clutch purse or large tote, business bag or shopping tote.

Fendi Chameleon purse is expected to do quite Fendi Chameleon pursewell this year. And why not? It is elegant, simple, spacious and practical Italian made leather purse that anyone would want to own as a daily handbag. It might seem a bit heavy but then the color choice makes it a bit lighter. This calfskin purse features zip closure, logo hardware, inside there are divide pockets and phone pocket. Shoulder strap is removable. Underneath there are protective metal studs. Inside is lined and purse is made in Italy of course. Size is 16" in width, x 11" height and x 7" depth. It can be purchased at Nordstrom's (e-shopping included) at a price of $ 2340.

This brand like all Italian fashion makers have paid a lot of their attention to the accessories line and that is why their bags collection is very vast. The current collection has This brand is also favored by popular people and celebrities wearing Fendi are Hilary Duff, Linda Evangelista, Paris Hilton and others.

Fendi sale is a crazy and awaited event and is the right time to buy Fendi handbag or Fendi clutch at a better price.

Also please be informed that there are fake Fendi bags that might get you a Fendi replica bag instead of original purse, so be prudent and think twice before buying something that looks too good to be true. Such things as Fendi replica bag or Fendi Boston replica are encountered often.

Fendi in general is rather affordable brand and if you search carefully you might find many of gorgeous and cheap authentic designer bags. And you can always check it double in their website to make sure you are getting the value for money.

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