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Kate Spade (Katherine Noel Brosnahan) was born in 1962. She graduated from Catholic high school - St. Teresa's Academy. After working in magazine Mademoiselle where she was responsible for accessories department and earned the title of senior fashion editor, she left the magazine and together with her boyfriend started a handbag business that soon was thriving. The company under the designer's name was established in 1993 and since then it has been a success to say the least.

Also the brand has considerably expanded. Right now this brand sells variety of products, from different handbags to stationary, fragrances, eyewear, bedwear and cosmetics, and other. Recently the company has started producing items for home decoration, bedding, bath products and other items for home and they have also won awards for this division. Kate Spade bags are one of the best selling handbags this season and you should see if some of the Spade handbags are on sale. Some of the models are also available at the brand's outlet, where the same gorgeous handbags are sold at lowered price.

Most recent collection features very brave col ours and a new style. For example, the Tracy Patent Satchel in bright red is a great example of that. The hobby totes are playful in tones and prints. Not to mention the Rivington Gisele bag that is a true piece of art. This elegant masterpiece will not leave anyone indifferent. Also the Circle Bag which very edgy and though it is insanely bright and non-traditional, it looks like it might stay for more than one season. Kate Spade handbags on sale might be the way to get an authentic product from this brand and this is a great opportunity for a bargain.

Replica Kate Spade purses and handbags are also counterfeited all over the world, so before buying a bag on internet, make sure it is no the fake, replica mirror image bag, purse, clutch or tote. These are a lot of Kate Spade replica bags. So be wise and make sure you are buying an original designer handbag.

Kate Spade Bow Bridge Kennedy PurseThis is a brand to easily get in love with. All of the romantic and colorful and youthful designs will not leave you unimpressed. And they have managed to put style, functionality and price in the right combination so that the customer gets a wonderful, reasonably priced quality handbags. Take the purse in the picture as an example, the style is impeccable, the price is $ 445. The quality is up to the level and if you want to have that one perfect accessory that completes the retro style, this is the one. Although none of their handbags can be actually named the IT purses or luxury purses, there are many great styles that you can choose from this brand and they will work perfectly.
For example, the glazed tote is so classic and beautiful. Great for work, great for dinner with friends in the afternoon. The small and velvet flower deluxe plush skipper bag is really wonderful.
Their web page also has some items on sale, which is great. Kate Spade discounted products sale can save you up to 60 % of the original price. low prices on all purses, wallets and satchels. Many of these leather bags are at truly low prices, including laptop bags and hobo handbags.

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