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Michael Kors' real name is Karl Anderson. He began designing, when he was 19 years old. He has also studied at the Fashion Institute of Technology. He designed his first women clothing line in 1981 and sold them in the high-end shops, such as Neiman Marcus or Lords & Taylor. His fashion lines were noticed and recognized and soon he was offered a job in Celine fashion house, where his was even more successful, especially with his lines of accessories. In 2002 Michael Kors launched the clothing line for men and in 2003 he left the Celine in order to develop his own fashion lines. He was also one of the judges on TV show Project Runway. He is one of the top American designers right now.

This brand currently sells many products: womenswear, menswear, fragrances, shoes and, of course, handbags. The perfume line is doing great with many more Michael Kors perfumes in development.
This brand's design is appreciated by such stars as Jennifer Lopez, Heidi Klum, Jennifer Garner and many more.

Michael Kors handbags are true beauties designed for all occasions. You can choose from rather versatile collections of this designer's purses, totes and clutches. If there is a brand that has it all - it is this one. The collections are very vast and what is great that they also provide a considerable number of color/print choices for the purses.

The Redding handbag is stunning and comfortable. Or the chain tote will be great for a number of occasions, from cocktail party to work. The brand's Michael line is also fabulous and if you want a versatile and great looking leather bag, check the push-lock shoulder bag.

The original bags will give you an amazing look. But if you buy replica Michael Kors bag, it will still cost you enough and it will not be the same as original, just a fake Michael Kors bag. If this is money only issue, get the authentic bag on sale rather than buy replica designer purse or fake purse.

Michael Kors Hamilton toteIf you are looking for a multifunctional, great looking and spacious city bag - this is the one. Gorgeous purple shade and silver hardware go beautifully together. The purse has double handles and a shoulder strap. There is also a brand's logo. The size of this purse is 13" width x 14" height and depth is 6". The price for this beauty is USD 348.00. It is available online.

The brand is very successful and the purses' line is very generous and glamorous as well. As it seems it is the general trend to go from minimalism to glam and luxury again.

The brand's e-store has great sale section where the reduction percentage is quite considerable.

Check out the latest Michael Kors bag collection. These city handbags are very comfortable, beautiful and practical. The new purses collection features also beautiful Kors handbags in different and gorgeous shades.

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